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May 2020

Posted on in ELTABB/Professional Development

Teaching English through Riddles: “Strange Attractors and the Gordian Knot” – Workshop with Nick Munby

Riddles are intriguing and fun for learners of all ages. Kit Flemons recaps Nick Munby’s webinar on teaching English with logic puzzles and shares what he learnt about mental gymnastics and the art of asking the right questions. I’m sure many of you readers will recall university days of waking up late, dashing to class,… Keep Reading

Posted on in Professional Development

Interview: Sue Kay on Materials Writing, the Perfect ELT Coursebook and Incidental Dream Careers

Seasoned materials writer Sue Kay tells her story of becoming an English teacher and published author, unveils what makes a compelling coursebook and shares some tried and tested writing tips. Sandra: Hello Sue, it’s lovely to have you here for an interview with ELTABB! We are curious about your story as an ELT author and… Keep Reading

Posted on in Professional Development

Workshop Review: “Re-Thinking Gap-Fill Exercises” – Webinar with Leo Selivan

In his April workshop with ELTABB, Leo Selivan presented new ways for making gap-fill exercises more meaningful in ELT. He also provided many practical and creative examples of how to use gap-fills in online teaching. Jennifer Knaeble recaps the whats, whys and hows. What are gap-fills, anyway? As the name suggests, gap-fills are exercises in… Keep Reading

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