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January 2021

Posted on in Professional Development

Authentic Branding for ESL Professionals – Tips from a Seasoned Solopreneur

Many ESL professionals are passionate about the work they do – much less so about marketing themselves. At the last Inter ELTA Day, experienced solopreneur Christin Jönsson spilled the tea about effective and authentic personal branding. The good news: it’s not rocket science and it doesn’t have to be expensive. In her talk, Christin started… Keep Reading

Posted on in Professional Development

Data Protection in the Digital Classroom: Is MDM Software Becoming as Relevant as Zoom?

In the world of education, nobody wants to risk compromising the privacy of their students – whether in a public or private language school. Often, the teacher is held accountable by both parents and the school. This is where Mobile Device Management software shines by providing a user-friendly way to handle data protection in the… Keep Reading

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