
Sandra Roggenkamp - page 2

Sandra Roggenkamp has 23 articles published.

Sandra is ELTABB's Chair and the current editor of the ELTABB journal. She holds an MA in English and is passionate about brain-friendly language learning and teaching. Likes Shakespeare and Venetian lute music.
embrace social media in the EFL classroom
Posted on in Teaching

Workshop Review: “Embracing Social Media in the EFL Classroom” – with Greg Wagstaff

How can we use social media and other apps to motivate, engage and interest 21st-century learners? At this year’s YLTSIG Conference, Greg Wagstaff shared some tried and tested methods for incorporating technology in the EFL classroom. Greg kicked off his talk by stating that the average person spends 144 minutes per day on social media,… Keep Reading

Posted on in Teaching

Workshop Review: “SMART PRACTICE – Using Cognitive Science and Coaching Tools to make Learning Stick” with Marcela Harrisberger

At her excellent Inter-ELTA workshop in April, Marcela Harrisberger invited us to approach teaching and learning from a neuroscientific angle. Drawing our attention to the bigger picture, she shared what a teacher can do to ensure that the how of learning is tended to just as much as the what. First off, Marcela stated an… Keep Reading

Posted on in Professional Development

Authentic Branding for ESL Professionals – Tips from a Seasoned Solopreneur

Many ESL professionals are passionate about the work they do – much less so about marketing themselves. At the last Inter ELTA Day, experienced solopreneur Christin Jönsson spilled the tea about effective and authentic personal branding. The good news: it’s not rocket science and it doesn’t have to be expensive. In her talk, Christin started… Keep Reading

Posted on in Professional Development

Interview: From English Teacher to Trainer to Coach – an ESL Journey with Slobodan Kelečević

The traditional role of an English teacher is slowly but surely adapting to the needs of the 21st century. Slobodan Kelečević has taken some time to share his own ELT journey – from teacher to trainer and coach – with us. ELTABB: Hi Slobodan, it’s great having you here for an interview on continuing professional… Keep Reading

Posted on in Professional Development

Workshop Review: “Student-Centered Online Teaching” with Russell Stannard

Last Saturday’s ELTA-Rhine workshop definitely kept its promise of demonstrating how to add variety to the digital classroom. Within the space of an hour, I felt confident creating and using a range of fun online games and applications. We all left energised and engaged. Talk about creative inspiration! Russell Stannard’s fast-paced delivery was as easy… Keep Reading

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