Once again, another year has gently passed us by. And here we are – the newly elected ELTABB board – suddenly finding ourselves in a globally unprecedented situation! But fear thee not: amidst home office, toilet paper shortage and staycation, we have taken a few moments to introduce ourselves. We also hope to meet you online, where all our events are taking place for the time being (please check the Ning). Here’s to a lovely 2020 with some well-known and some fresh faces!
Sarah Brown – Chair 
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
Hi, I’m Sarah Brown, originally from Alabama USA, English teacher and trainer since 2007, lived and taught in Boston, Buenos Aires, Las Vegas and Berlin, currently teaching ESP at the Berlin zoo! (Is that a proper sentence?! Hahaha).
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
As second year chair of ELTABB, I hope to provide ways ELTABB can support its members through the current and post time of corona and pull the association through this uncertain time.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Favorite dessert used to be banana pudding with vanilla wafers and nowadays would have to be apple strudel!
Annie Heringer – Vice Chair and Events Coordinator
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
Californian expat kept very busy by three main things: 1. the English classes that I teach at the Freie Universität, 2. my master’s studies in academic writing at Coventry University, and 3. Louis, my seven-year-old son.
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
I’d like to bring some interesting speakers to Eltabb and give some of our own members a platform to share their unique ideas on teaching. I want to support and expand our community, starting in Berlin and unfurling out into the world.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Ice cream, hands down.
Breanna Alexander – Assistant Events Coordinator
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – Helena, Act 3, Scene 2 in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
I hope that with all that is going on, that I can eventually organize face-to-face Stammtische while supporting local restaurants and breweries but until then, I’m quite happy organizing online ones. I really enjoyed our first online Stammtisch (that took place on Saturday, March 28th) and can’t wait to see you all more, even if it is online!
What’s your favorite dessert?
Too many to count. Brammibal’s Donuts, chocolate fruit at the Weihnachtsmärkte, and now in love with mini lemon meringue tarts from the Simon Meijssen bakery in Amsterdam.
Stephanie Anderson – Membership Coordinator
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
I’m a diplo-spouse who moves to a new country every few years following my husband’s job but I take my career with me as an online English language tutor and writing coach, and I keep grounded through a daily yoga practice and running occasional marathons.
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
I value clear communication and I love efficiency! As the Membership Coordinator, I hope to streamline the member onboarding process and clarify member messaging. Also, I feel like there might be a lot of teachers just starting out at area language schools who could really benefit from the professional development opportunities ELTABB offers, so I hope to increase our outreach to language schools and grow our corporate membership.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Jell-O chocolate pudding with a few slightly-old (chewy) mini-marshmallows on top.
Ryan O’Shea – Treasurer
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
Scottish born, ex DOS turned web developer, living in Mitte, who tends to overuse elicitation in everyday communication.
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
Consolidate the excellent work done by Brigid, deliver appropriate financial guidance to the board, and take the pain away from the role of Treasurer. Also bring perspectives from outside ELT since I have been out of the industry since 2017.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Those chocolate tarts from Marcann’s on Chausseestraße.
Yuliya Shtaltovna – Job Posts, Outreach and Communication
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
I am a professional teacher and a professional learner, curious about languages, culture(s), communication, wine, tea, philosophy, art and building relationships and communities.
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
As the board member responsible for job posts, outreach and communication, I am planning to help HRs, schools, universities and companies reach our ELTABB members, by building a strong brand of the association in the media and by networking.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Berries! With or without pancakes.
Sandra Roggenkamp – Journal Coordinator
Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
A humorous lateral (over-)thinker and humanities major who loves languages, music, photography and the great outdoors.
What do you hope to contribute in your role as a board member this year?
In my second year as journal editor, I would like to build on the good work we did in the first one! This means to keep providing interesting and innovative ELT-related content and to inspire others to discover their inner writer.
What’s your favorite dessert?
It changes with the seasons. Strawberries with cream is one of the best desserts to celebrate spring!
Hi together,
I would like to get in contact with Sarah Brown. She was my teacher at Tierpark Berlin until the pandemic stopped our very interesting lessons. Sarah, please give me a reply. I would like to see you again at Tierpark and show you special animals. I have very good News.
Kindest, Andreas
Hi Andreas,
I’ve passed on your message to Sarah. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed her lessons!